Equality on the agenda in Birmingham
The 'Road Maps to Equality' conference took place on 24 October
Some sixty Friends from twenty Area Meetings gathered at Bull Street Meeting House in Birmingham on 24 October for the ‘Road Maps to Equality’ conference.
This was the second Birmingham conference on equality and focused on ‘finding practical ways forward’.
Britain Yearly Meeting recording clerk Paul Parker gave the keynote speech. He reminded Friends of the long Quaker concern with equality and read ‘minute thirty-six’ from Yearly Meeting 2015, stressing the importance of ‘being and living, not just talking’.
Following the keynote speech, Friends joined workshops dealing with health, housing, food, income and language and media. They were asked to devise practical activities and to consider how the topics could become living concerns in their Area Meetings.
Central England Peace Committee organised the event. Committee member Barbara Forbes said: ‘We hope that there will soon be a network across the country to enable individual Friends and Meetings to work together and support one another.’