'Tensions that arise could be resolved if we go one level deeper, name what we’re trying to achieve, and share each other’s theories of change.’ Photo: Heads of Quaker agencies
Epistle from heads of Quaker agencies
‘Our connection provides the space for us to think about how we connect with Quaker voices around the world.'
The eleven heads of key Quaker agencies, who met in Friends House last week, have written an epistle about their time together. The message notes that the blended event came at a time of transition. Five of the seven groups will have new leadership in 2022, it says, adding: ‘We gather because our work is connected.’
The epistle (which is reproduced on page 12) reflects on the value of the meeting. ‘Our connection provides the space for us to think about how we connect with Quaker voices around the world. One of our organisations can often offer deep expertise or subject knowledge on behalf of all of us. At times we are challenged by issues of scale as it can be difficult for our smaller organisations to maintain many relationships. Tensions that arise could be resolved if we go one level deeper, name what we’re trying to achieve, and share each other’s theories of change.’
As well as welcoming new faces and saying goodbye to outgoing ones, the heads explored the difference between climate justice and sustainability. They said they recognise ‘the need to look at the climate crisis holistically, as a social, political, ethical and spiritual issue, beyond a focus exclusively on emissions targets and personal lifestyle change’.
The Friend was invited to one of the sessions and will be reporting on it in future issues.