End of life matters

Earlier this year, in April, Friends involved in Quaker Concern Around Dying and Death (QDD) met at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. They were prompted to write a letter to Friends.

Dear Friend,

This letter was written with courage, and comes with love; we urge you to engage with it. Here is some plain speaking on life, death, fear, love and truth. It is what we have been exploring, ten of us at a QDD gathering on ‘living with dying’.

‘From the moment of birth, you are dying.
From the moment of birth, you are living.’

Everyone you have ever cared for was dying – and living. The time to recognise the inevitability of death is now. The continuity of loss is undermining. You have permission to feel fearful or resentful! Fears are natural. Tears are OK. But as Friends we can face uncertainty and the unknowable. Responsibility, whether it is responsibility for or responsibility about, calls for clarity. We can take responsibility for decisions in good time.

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