An ecumenical accompanier spoke to Wanstead Friends about their experiences

EAPPI volunteers encourage ‘hope’

An ecumenical accompanier spoke to Wanstead Friends about their experiences

by Rebecca Hardy 21st March 2025

Wanstead Friends heard from a volunteer for the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) this month, when Tanya Williams, of Richmond Meeting, described her trip last autumn.

Melvyn Freake, from Wanstead Meeting, which organised the event, said: ‘Tanya told us that Palestinians and Israeli activists opposing the occupation are encouraged by the presence of EAPPI volunteers. She thought they maintained hope despite all that is going on, including: the preference given to settlers and settlements in terms of being granted legal right to land; having access to water; and receiving protection from the Israel Defence Force. This is despite some of these preferences being illegal under international (though not Israeli) law.’

Thirty people, including around a third who were non-Quakers, attended the event on 9 March at Wanstead Meeting House. ‘Tanya outlined the purpose of the EAPPI scheme,’ said Melvyn. ‘Under the auspices of the World Council of Churches, volunteers monitor human rights abuses in Palestine/Israel. Since 2002, over 1,500 international volunteers from 22 countries have served as EAs [ecumenical accompaniers]. In the UK and Ireland it is coordinated by British Quakers on behalf of 16 churches and NGOs. At present they cannot work in Gaza.’

Tanya also gave out leaflets describing five ways that Friends make a difference. ‘One thing people can do now is to invite a volunteer to talk about their visit,’ added Melvyn. 

‘A lively discussion followed that showed the concern people felt about the situation and the appreciation felt for the volunteers who visit the area on our behalf and report back,’ he said.

Recruitment is now open for EAs for 2026. See for information. To arrange a volunteer visit, contact:


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