Drugs: a contentious issue

Voirrey Faragher has campaigned for the decriminalisation of the possession of all drugs for personal use. She writes about this concern and how Friends in Britain have responded to it.

'Evidence from countries that have decriminalised possession, shows that dire predictions were wrong...' | Photo: MarihuanayMedicina / flickr CC.

Cornwall Area Meeting circulated a Minute regarding this concern to Area Meeting clerks in 2001 and 2015. We have received a number of responses: some Area Meetings support us and some Area Meetings and individuals have been good enough to communicate with us to let us know why they disagree with our concern. It has been useful to receive the emails from those who feel unable to support our concern because we are able to learn from them. A number of key issues are apparent that mirror the issues, which arise for many people in our society.

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