Discernment and decision-making

Jenny Wallace reflects on an inspiring and distinctive process

When I typed up our Monthly Meeting minutes in the 1980s, there would regularly be forty-four members plus three attenders. Now, we usually have around half that number. Similarly, in our Local Meeting for Worship for Business (MfWfB), the numbers have dropped. I hear this is the disturbing case all over Britain. I wonder whether people realise what they are missing.  To sit in the stillness of a deeply gathered Meeting for Worship is quite wonderful; to watch and be part of a deeply gathered, sensitively clerked Meeting for Worship for Business is exhilarating, electrifying, inspiring, joyous and quite distinctive. It is not always the content of the matters needing resolution that so grab one. It is, rather, the amazing process by which decisions are reached, our precious, unique ‘pearl’ – a process that lifts the spirit. Why are we not describing and sharing it with the wider world?

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