‘We did what Quakers do and set up a committee: the Garden Group.’ Photo: Warwick Meeting House garden courtesy of John Sheldon
Digging deep: Marilyn Biles on the new garden at Warwick Meeting
‘Now it is a place of peace and beauty.’
‘Our Meeting houses… deserve our care, attention and imaginative thought, so that they may be attractive both to ourselves and to others, whilst remaining faithful to our commitment to simplicity, care of the environment and equality’ (Quaker faith & practice 14.25).
Our beautiful Warwick Meeting House was built in 1695 after the Great Fire of Warwick, and much care and attention has gone into its maintenance. But by 2016 there was no denying that the garden had been neglected. So we did what Quakers do and set up a committee: the Garden Group.
The first step was consultation: with the Meeting, the children’s class, the staff and customers of our community café, and other users of the building. Friends wanted something visually pleasing and environmentally friendly; the children wanted a playhouse on stilts; the café wanted seating and shade; our Finance and Property Committee wanted better access and safe paths. And some people wanted it left just as it was.
From all this an ambitious plan was drawn up. The Group’s aim was to make a safe and pleasant sanctuary and resource. It was also important that it reflected our Quaker values.
Fundraising proved easier than expected as we had grants from Central England Area Meeting and other charities, and donations from local friends. An appeal in this magazine brought in contributions from across the UK.
It took time to find a firm to do the work. A social enterprise we had contracted went under just before starting, but we found a small local firm and work began in early 2020. It continued during the lockdown and the garden became especially valuable when we were allowed to meet outside.
Now it is a place of peace and beauty, replanted with carefully-chosen wild flowers, shrubs, and bulbs which are native, resilient and wildlife friendly. Work is being done on introducing plants with Quaker connections. There is a pergola-covered patio with seating outside the café, a summerhouse providing seating and shade, new welcoming gates, wheelchair-friendly paths, improved access and a hidden playhouse on stilts. The children have painted stones with some of the Advices and queries. There are also information boards displaying some of the history of the Meeting House, including its ancient well and the burial ground. Two remaining gravestones represent 300 or so burials, including William Dewsbury.
In September we held an open day for Friends and all who had contributed. The garden is a delight, and it has been a joy to be part of the project group working on it.
Thank you Marilyn, a peaceful place. We have tried in Aylesbury when we developed the small garden after a legacy enabled us to improve the Meeting House with sustainability in mind. It is very much a part of the Meeting House with a seating area near the doors that has enabled those who are anxious during the pandemic to sit outside and still be part of the meeting for worship. We have a small wildlower area and had our first bee colony dig into the soil this year. The gardens of Meeting Houses are a delight.
By Tim Newell on 11th November 2021 - 10:28
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