Cumbrian Friends highlight educational concerns
Quakers in Cumbria are highlighting concerns about aspects of educational policy in England
Quakers in Cumbria are highlighting concerns about aspects of educational policy in England. Members of West Cumbria Area Meeting recently wrote a letter to publicise their concerns and circulated it to Friends in the region. There have been strong responses so far from more than twenty Area Meetings.
Friends in West Cumbria hope to reinvigorate the Guild of Friends in Education in order to provide mutual support to people involved in education. They also want to lobby on other issues and aim ‘to put together a paper outlining a Quaker view of education’.
The concern began with a group of Quakers at Keswick Meeting. Wendy Scott, who is one of the Friends involved, said: ‘Between us, small as we are, we have a broad range of relevant experience at all levels and deep concerns about the inequities resulting from government policies which are undermining many children’s progress and also teacher morale.’
The Cumbrian Friends welcome support and suggestions for a way forward.
They said: ‘Friends who share our concerns about, for example, the loss of democratic accountability and local authority support for schools, the emphasis on de-contextualised data as the basis for Ofsted inspection judgements and the militarisation of schools through the Troops for Teachers and expansion of Cadet Training Corps, are welcome to get in touch through’