'Let us hold each other in the light and the earth on which we stand.' Photo: by Lucas Myers on Unsplash
Poem by Harvey Gillman
I come to a place of light
in an ocean of darkness.
They said: Stand still in the light,
submit to its power.
When temptation came
and troubles appeared
I was to sink to the bright seed.
Troubles would be hushed
and darkness fly away.
And so I stand and I wait
by the waters that are polluted
by the fields that are flooded,
In the forests that are burned away.
Let us have mercy on each other, friends.
Let us hold each other in the light
and the earth on which we stand.
The light has shown me too much.
A fierce light burns me, may blind me.
Give me the strength to wait in this light
which casts so great, so long a shadow.
Harvey and the composer Peter Aviss have been collaborating on creating a new work for soloists, chorus and orchestra called ‘A new heaven, a new earth’. ‘Confession’ is part of the sequence of nine poems that make up the bulk of the text. A third of the work has already been set to music. They are now wondering who might perform this new Quaker cantata…
How about Hastings Philharmonic Choir and orchestra, Harvey? I could recommend it.
By gturner on 18th April 2024 - 12:17
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