Comedian swears at Friends House speaker
'Despite initially campaigning for the Covid vaccine, Aseem Malhotra later campaigned against the use of Covid mRNA vaccines.'
An event at Friends House caused controversy last week when a comedian was reported to have sworn at a doctor with anti-vaccine views.
The ‘Has Big Pharma Hijacked Evidence-Based Medicine?’ panel featured Aseem Malhotra, a controversial cardiologist who has publicly criticised the Covid vaccines.
According to a website run by David Icke, the controversial polemicist, which supports the doctor, the comedian Abbey Roberts aka Cathy Crunt, became so incensed with what she took as the doctor’s hypocrisy that she swore at him loudly.
Despite initially campaigning for the Covid vaccine, Aseem Malhotra later campaigned against the use of Covid mRNA vaccines. He was heavily criticised for publishing The 21-Day Immunity Plan, which claims that following a particular diet can quickly help people reduce their risk from the virus.
David Icke’s website refers to the event as taking place at ‘the central offices for British Quakers in London’.
Quiet Company, the trading subsidiary of Quakers in Britain, said it ‘reviewed this event in detail prior to accepting the booking, to ensure it was in line with its lettings policy.
‘We were assured, based on our engagement with organisers, that this was not anti-vaccination, but a scientifically-informed event focusing on strong medical research that was evidence based,’ said Paul Henderson-Grey, chief executive officer of Quiet Company.
Aseem Malhotra has posted the video on Facebook and Twitter saying that he will soon be posting the talk on YouTube. One supporter says: it shows ‘a standing ovation’ for the doctor, who is cited with ‘drawing on the inspiration of Gandhi and Dr Martin Luther King, urging a packed house “Let’s Keep Going” in bringing Big Pharma to account’.
The event took place on 15 November.