Close Quarters: Gill Sewell and Olivia Sewell-Risley seek contributors
‘We are open to exploring topics from a very broad range of perspectives.’
Have you wandered into the new year wondering what you might do with your spare time, or indeed how you might have your voice heard? If your answer to either of these questions is ‘yes’ then Friends Quarterly would like to hear from you.
We have our thematic arc for the year ahead and our 2021 issues will run along the following lines:
Our first edition of the year (February) explores the theme of ‘Death and dying’; this issue should be landing on doormats already. It includes five stimulating articles from a variety of positions, and a range of discussion questions suitable for use by groups (online or in person) or individuals.
The second issue of the year (May) focuses on the future of Quakers and Quakerism. How do you think our Society will continue to develop? What type of book might we need to shape and reflect this? We are open to exploring this topic from a very broad range of perspectives; contributions could, for example, include articles based around the revision of Quaker faith & practice, funding pressures, technology and theology, local development workers, wardenship, membership and business practice, as well as many other ideas – there is undoubtedly much more to say!
The third edition (August) will aim to echo the themes of (virtual) Yearly Meeting on living equality and truth in a time of crisis, to both enhance and extend the conversations that may occur there.
Our final edition of the year (November) is tentatively titled ‘Friends of the Truth: Truth decay’. What might this mean for you?
All of the above are working outlines, and will not necessarily be the final title. Your contribution might help influence that! We have a precise schedule, so an article for May’s issue would need to be received by us on 22 February at the latest. An article for August would need to arrive by 24 May, and, for the final edition of the year (November), we’d need your contribution by 30 August.
It would be really helpful to know which edition you’d like to write for, to help us ensure diversity and breadth. You can contact us on with suggestions. We do not pay for articles but a small honorarium is offered to writers under thirty-five.
Articles for the Friends Quarterly should be 3,000 to 3,500 words with academic references. Shorter articles of 600 to 1,200 words can always be sent to the Friend. Please also send any letters with comments on FQ articles to the Friend, as FQ has no letters page.
We are also working on lively front covers, so if you have high-quality photographs or a piece of artwork that might work, do please share. When we took on the editorship we said we wanted to be radical and relevant, but we can only do that with your help. So please do keep reading and keep writing!