Bill McKibben spoke at Friends House on 28 August

Climate justice champion at Friends House

Bill McKibben spoke at Friends House on 28 August

by Tara Craig 2nd September 2016

Bill McKibben, a founder of the campaigning organisation, spoke about his work on fossil fuel divestment and the fight for climate justice at Friends House in London on 28 August.

His talk was followed by workshops addressing key aspects of divestment campaigning. is a worldwide grassroots climate change movement. It has organised 20,000 rallies around the world and launched the fossil fuel divestment movement. Bill McKibben is credited with writing the first book on climate change for a general audience, The End of Nature, which was published in 1989.


Bill has also written a book called ‘Maybe one’, in which he advocates the advantages of single child families: a ‘psychologically incisive argument that we take seriously the question of how many of us ought to be here at any one time’

By RogerP on 2nd September 2016 - 14:35

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