Climate crisis and spiritual community

Laurie Michaelis writes in the wake of the Doha conference

Melting Arctic snows | Photo: Photo: Stuart Yates.

Hope is disappearing for a safe resolution of the climate crisis. Climate change is happening, in many respects faster than scientists were expecting – with the disappearance of Arctic sea ice and a rapid increase in extreme weather events. The impacts on human society are greater than had been expected. In particular, there is growing concern about the impact of changing weather patterns on food production. Global greenhouse gas emissions are rising in line with the worst-case scenario produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change back in 2000; individuals, organisations and governments seem unwilling or unable to cut back. Financial crises and recession have dominated political and media attention since 2009. So the Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) commitment in 2011 to become a low carbon sustainable community was very timely.

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