Silent witness outside Vanguard offices 'protesting this company’s huge investments in fossil fuels, deforestation-linked agriculture and military contracts’

City of London witness for John Woolman anniversary

Silent witness outside Vanguard offices 'protesting this company’s huge investments in fossil fuels, deforestation-linked agriculture and military contracts’

by Rebecca Hardy 23rd September 2022

Quakers are honouring the 250th anniversary of John Woolman’s death with silent witness in the City of London.

The eighteenth-century US Quaker devoted his life to opposing: slavery, poverty, wasteful living, wars – including conflict with indigenous people – and cruelty towards animals.

Julia Bush, from Bristol Meeting, told the Friend that the Meeting for Worship on 7 October outside the Vanguard offices of Walbrook Building was prompted by ‘friendly contacts’ between a Bristol Friend and a Pennsylvania Quaker discussing campaigns against fossil fuels. ‘The Vanguard site was picked because Vanguard is the second biggest assets management company in the world, with vast investments in fossil fuels (especially coal). We wanted to make the link with John Woolman because of his beliefs and his amazing record of 18th century faith-led campaigning. He was active in many different causes, and especially eloquent in explaining their essential unity. He believed that the whole of God’s creation was sacred. The greed of the wealthy and the oppression of enslaved Africans, Native Americans and the poor of every country was an abuse of creation and the source of wars. Equally, the birds and animals and the whole of the natural world were sacred, and must not be exploited.’ This stands as ‘stark contrast’, she said, with ‘Vanguard’s actions placing investors’ profits first and the environmental crisis last!’

John Woolman died in York on 7 October 1772. The anniversary will begin with a pre-meeting at 3:30pm at Cafe Rouge, by St Paul’s Cathedral, for a singing rehearsal. Helen Yeoman’s song ‘Never Take Away My Voice’ will be sung before and after a thirty-minute Meeting for Worship. A letter will then be presented to the Vanguard CEO, ‘protesting this company’s huge investments in fossil fuels, deforestation-linked agriculture and military contracts’, said Julia Bush.

The event is organised by Bristol Quakers from the EarthQuakes environmental group and is open to everyone. It will be held in solidarity with a simultaneous action by the US Earth Quaker Action Team, near Vanguard’s Pennsylvania headquarters. A transatlantic Zoom link is also planned for the day.


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