Citizens UK launches agenda
Citizens UK launches new agenda this week
Quakers are getting ‘much more involved’ in Citizens UK, according to the organisation’s director, Neil Jameson. This week the group launched a ‘citizens’ agenda’ ahead of the London elections in May. Citizens UK is an alliance of civil society organisations, including faith groups, schools, trades unions and community associations. While working on a number of issues, they have become particularly known for their campaigns for a living wage.
The London wing have published five challenges that were agreed on through discussion at gatherings across the city. They are asking candidates for London mayor ‘to agree to those proposals on condition that we – Citizens – act on them and support them first’.
The five challenges cover issues of governance, housing, the living wage, reclaiming the streets and creating a brighter future for young Londoners.
Neil Jameson, who is a member of Westminster Meeting, said that five Quaker Meetings are now active in London Citizens. This enables them to receive training on political engagement.
He told the Friend that the organisation’s approach to democracy, based on listening and consultation, is ‘a political strategy for the twenty-first century’. He welcomed the positive response to the ‘Occupy’ movement and the success of UK Uncut in drawing attention to tax issues. He nonetheless emphasised that the approach of Citizens UK is distinctive, based on ‘developing roots in our communities’.