Chichester Friends host Philip Gross workshop
‘During the poetry workshop we explored the concept of different types of silence.'
The Quaker poet Philip Gross ran a workshop last month with Chichester Friends as part of the Chichester Festival. The two ‘Words and Silence’ sessions on 3 July also included a reading from the TS Elliot Prize winner’s own poetry and his book Between the Islands.
Quaker Rebecca Grove, who helped organise the event, told the Friend that ‘the idea for having a poetry event was new to [Chichester] Quakers, but we usually have at least one speaker during the festivities. Two members from our Meeting had already enjoyed working with Philip, and I had participated in the ‘Voices of the Earth’ course at Woodbrooke.’
Around thirteen people came for a morning workshop session and sixteen for an evening reading session. ‘During the poetry workshop we explored the concept of different types of silence,’ said Rebecca Grove. ‘Philip called the collection “Many Shades of Silence”. One participant had never written a poem before and everyone in the workshop session took part, the group was small but very friendly ... I think it is fair to say they were very enjoyable and inspiring sessions.’
The events were organised by Chichester Quakers initially for 2020 but cancelled because of lockdown. All proceeds from the online events went to the charity Earthwatch.