Cheltenham Friends and their new solar panels. Photo: Photo courtesy of Cheltenham Meeting.

Cheltenham Friends install solar panels on their Meeting house roof

Cheltenham Quakers welcome heat wave

Cheltenham Friends install solar panels on their Meeting house roof

by Caroline Humphries 23rd August 2013

Cheltenham’s summer heat wave arrived in perfect time for local Friends and their Meeting house. Sixteen solar panels were installing on the Meeting house roof at the end of June – just before several consecutive long hot summer days.

Cheltenham Friends’ Meeting House is a well-insulated modern building with an efficient heating system. The panels are expected to generate as much electricity as the building requires.

Alison Crane, a local Quaker and prime mover behind the project, said: ‘We chose black panels to match the roof, and just four panels in a line on each of the roofs, which match the roof well.’

She exaplined: ‘Quakers are committed to becoming a sustainable, low-carbon community. Generating electricity from the sun seemed an obvious choice to reduce our carbon footprint. The electricity we produce is predicted to save 1.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. We hope to save money to ensure that our room hire rates are affordable for the organisations that use the building.’


Marvellous! Well done! When a Green Party MP gets arrested for demonstrating against fracking in the same week as a Quaker Meeting House shows our government that renewable energy is the way forward, well, there must be hope for our planet.

By mrking on 22nd August 2013 - 12:10

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