Change in status for Q&B
The Quakers and Business Group has become a charitable incorporated organisation
The Quakers and Business Group (Q&B), formerly a registered charity, although unincorporated, has become a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO).
The group stressed that the only difference members may notice is a new charity number.
‘We felt that we should protect our members and funds by becoming a charity with limited liability,’ said Q&B co-clerk Mark Lockwood. ‘The application process required us to draw up a new constitution, which we did using one of the Charity Commission’s examples as a starting point. We found that most of what was included we could keep, but there were areas that didn’t suit our needs from a Quaker point of view, and so we swapped them for what we thought was appropriate and used sections from Quaker faith & practice to give a more detailed explanation.’
‘There were one or two places where we couldn’t alter the model, so voting and proxies still appear in the sections for General Meetings, although we shall of course continue to conduct them according to Quaker Business Method,’ he added.
‘We are very pleased that we can carry on our work for hopefully another twenty years or more, knowing that our business structure is now in right ordering.’