'The images "must not be ignored"' Photo: courtesy of @pmillerinfo on Twitter
Call for investigation into UK-made tear gas in Oman
Since 2015, the UK has licensed over £16 million worth of tear gas to Oman, according to CAAT
Friends have been supporting a call from Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) for an investigation into the use of UK-made tear gas in Oman. The push follows the publication of what CAAT describes as ‘damning’ images by journalist Phil Miller of Declassified, which show the use of tear gas canisters allegedly made by Derby-based PW Defence. According to CAAT, the model in the photos appears to be the ‘N225/227/229 – Rubber Bursting CS Grenade’ produced by the company (see photo). The gas was used as well as other weapons by the police force during widespread protests in Oman last month, with protesters demanding jobs and reforms.
Andrew Smith, of CAAT, said the images ‘must not be ignored’. He called for ‘a full investigation’ and ‘an end to the shameful policy that allowed for them to be sold in the first place’.
Since 2015, the UK has licensed over £16 million worth of tear gas to Oman, according to CAAT figures, and has also provided police and military training to Omani forces. In March, representatives from Oman attended the Security & Policing arms fair, a secretive online event organised with the UK home office at which arms, border, policing and surveillance companies gather to exhibit equipment and technologies.