BYM warns against ‘more discipline’ in schools
Britain Yearly Meeting has written an open letter expressing alarm at plans to allow more disciplinary measures in schools
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has written an open letter to the secretary of state for education expressing alarm at plans to allow more disciplinary measures in schools including exclusions and ‘reasonable force’.
The letter sent to Gavin Williamson calls for a more restorative model following leaked government documents reported in The Guardian on 27 August which propose a package of measures with a renewed emphasis on discipline. While welcoming ‘urgent action to reverse the underfunding of schools in England’, the letter warns against ‘the government’s emphasis on punishments’ and urges ‘an urgent re-evaluation’.
It says: ‘Dependence on sanctions such as detention, physical restraint and expulsion at best treats the symptom rather than the causes of instability in children and young people’s lives.’
It also points out that ‘signalling that physical restraint is appropriate but ignoring the skills needed for conflict resolution does not model responsible behaviour. The effect is to teach an implicit lesson that “might is right”’.
The policy plans also include a £3.5 billion funding announcement and pledges to increase teachers’ basic pay, which will be pushed in the event of an autumn general election.