Friends taking part in the Young People’s Programme. Photo: Lucy Sam.

Yearly Meeting's all age community was well represented

Britain Yearly Meeting 2016: Children and young people

Yearly Meeting's all age community was well represented

by Elinor Smallman 3rd June 2016

One hundred and eleven Friends aged under-eighteen, along with twenty-one adult volunteers, participated in programmes arranged by Britain Yearly Meeting’s Children and Young People’s team.

The theme ‘Using our gifts for good’ was considered through creative play, games and worship by sixty children at Friends House: the New Shoots, aged under-two; the Fox Cubs, aged three to five; the Penn Friends, aged six to eight; and the Spiritual Adventurers, aged eight to eleven.

The Young People’s Programme, a residential gathering held at Felden Lodge in Hemel Hempstead, saw eleven- to fifteen-year-olds explore the question: ‘Why are Quakers active in the world? Considering what we as young Quakers can do.’

A group of fifteen- to eighteen-year-olds were supported in participating in Yearly Meeting.

All age worship

Stories, experiences and fruit crumble featured in worship on Sunday 29 May as Friends of all ages gathered together in the Large Meeting House.

Meeting began with the story of the child Samuel being called by God (Samuel 3:1-8).

The ministry that followed included a moving reflection on the nature of home and the importance of relationships. Another offered a tale of how a child had given him the gift of seeing snails with new eyes, appreciating their beauty.

Friends on Facebook

‘…I saw a beautiful example of a Quaker nominations process, caring, disciplined and discerning, with the eight-to-eleven-year-olds; received the gift of a chocolate coated strawberry a grape and a song on the balcony from the three-to-fives; watched worshipful craft activities and minute-writing with the five-to-sevens; and was given the gift of a lovely smile and a wave by the babies. We are an all-age community and we must never forget it.’

– Paul Parker, recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting


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