A special interest group shed light on the Central Nominations Committee

Britain Yearly Meeting 2016: Central Nominations Committee

A special interest group shed light on the Central Nominations Committee

by Noël Staples 3rd June 2016

The work of the Central Nomination Committee’s (CNC) twenty-one members is perhaps the most important and least well-known and understood of all the major Yearly Meeting (YM) committees, Friends heard at an interest group on Saturday lunchtime.

CNC finds and brings forward to Britain Yearly Meeting names for members of all the major YM committees. Nominations committees work throughout the Religious Society of Friends, and should identify and nurture Friends who have abilities and skills to do our work. The Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre runs vital courses for nominations members.

Friends were told: ‘you may think you know what’s involved – you probably don’t! Everyone doing nominations work should receive some education!’

More than sixty Friends squeezed into the Bloomsbury Room to learn about and discuss the work of CNC. CNC’s major frustration is not knowing every Friend nationally. CNC depends on Friends submitting Service Information Forms, though it was revealed that hardly anyone does.

Friends were urged to ‘please, please submit a Service Information Form’, even if they are not currently available.

Vigorous discussion ensued over general nomination problems and several useful ideas were rehearsed for the future.

Friends were also asked to inform themselves about nominations, to go on a weekend nominations course at Woodbrooke and to apply to their Local or Area Meeting for funding.


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