Friends flocked to the cafe for tasty treats Photo: Photo: Trish Carn
Britain Yearly Meeting 2013: News in Brief
From friendly facts to Tweeting at Yearly Meeting
Friendly fact
BYM 2013 had the highest Friday night attendance (628 people) since 1985 (671 people).
Interfaith visitors
Laura Janner-Klausner (left), rabbi to the Movement for Reform Judaism and chair of the British Friends of Rabbis for Human Rights and Laura Marks, senior vice president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, attended Britain Yearly Meeting as guests of QCCIR.
Saying goodbye
A farewell tea was held for Michael Hutchison (left), who served the Society for twenty-two years in several roles. He shared it with Philip Iddon, who will retire in the autumn after thirty-four years at Friends House.
Tweeting at Yearly Meeting
Emma Roberts…
What do you call 1,000 busy Quakers gathering at #bym13? A Friends-y!
Quakers & Business…
Cooperation not competition. The Salter lecture #bym13 shows how much corporations can learn from cooperatives.
Number of small children currently in the tree? Seven. Seven small children in the tree outside Friends House. #bym13
Sharon Langridge…
I’ve enjoyed some high-falutin’ philosophical Swarthmore lectures in the past but was thankful for this one being one person’s story. #BYM13
Michael Eccles…
Another great farmers market ay #bym13. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard making all the delicious food!