Bookings to open for Quaker Gathering
Online YMG is themed: ‘For our comfort and discomfort: living equality and truth in a time of crisis.’
Bookings will soon open for the 2021 Yearly Meeting Gathering (YMG), which is themed ‘For our comfort and discomfort: living equality and truth in a time of crisis’. Online sessions will focus on Quaker work for climate and racial justice, as well as ongoing discernment around gender diverse people.
Clare Scott Booth, clerk for YMG, said: ‘Moving the whole YMG online makes the event accessible for some who wouldn’t be able to attend in person. Less travelling cuts our carbon footprint. And we’re printing fewer documents. We’re hoping as many as possible will work electronically. However, we will print copies for those with particular need. Be sure to indicate on registration if this applies to you.’
For Young Adults at YMG there will be online spaces to connect. Meanwhile, Children and Families sessions, Young People’s Programme and Junior Yearly Meeting will run in the final week from 2 to 6 August. The theme of all Children and Families sessions is ‘Let’s explore our world and find who we are’.
‘Already a myriad of special interest groups have signed up to host small sessions on Quaker faith in action. These are spread over a couple of weeks so participants can engage at their own pace. From 19 July, there will be worship, welcome and community building activities, theme-related and fringe events. YM in session will be over the two weekends from Friday 30 July to 8 August’, said a statement from Britain Yearly Meeting.
Registration for YMG will open on 1 June on and must be done in advance.