A witness to interfaith unity involved a four-mile walk

Bolton Friends join walk for interfaith unity

A witness to interfaith unity involved a four-mile walk

by Rebecca Hardy 3rd August 2018

Several Bolton Friends took part in a ‘Community Walk’ in Bolton last month as witness to interfaith unity.

The four-mile walk on 21 July, organised bv the Bolton Interfaith Council, visited Queens Park, Veda Mandir, Al Aqsa Mosque, Victoria Hall Methodists and Mayor’s Parlour.

Philip Austin, of the Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB) and a member of the Bolton Interfaith Council, said the action was influenced by the ‘faith trails’ the Council run throughout the year.

These trails visit a number of different places of worship and hear from the different faiths in one day.

He told the Friend: ‘The walk builds on that idea. but includes civic as well as faith-linked sites, and is for people of all ages, of faith and no faith.

‘About sixty people participated and it was an opportunity for the building of friendships and awareness. For some it was the first time they’d participated in an event of this sort.’


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