The blue plaque commemorating Thomas Edmund Harvey. Photo: Emily Harvey.

A Quaker MP has been commemorated by a blue plaque

Blue plaque for Leeds Friend

A Quaker MP has been commemorated by a blue plaque

by Tara Craig 29th July 2016

A plaque commemorating Thomas Edmund (Ted) Harvey has been installed on the wall of his home (1923-1955) by Leeds Civic Trust.

Ted Harvey served as Liberal member of parliament for Leeds West before and during the 1914-18 war. Along with then member of parliament for York, Arnold S Rowntree (who was also his brother-in-law), Ted was instrumental in persuading the government to include a ‘conscience clause’ for conscientious objectors in the Military Service Act of 1916. He later served as Independent Progressive member of parliament for Combined English Universities.

Several of Ted’s great nieces were there to see the plaque unveiled. Among them was Mary Rowlands, who told the Friend that she felt the wording of the plaque was well done, with its reference to Ted’s lifelong Quaker principles.


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