The trustees have announced 'We are about to advertise the land and buildings for sale and hope to find a buyer whose values and purposes align with ours.'

Bamford land and buildings for sale

The trustees have announced 'We are about to advertise the land and buildings for sale and hope to find a buyer whose values and purposes align with ours.'

by Rebecca Hardy 26th July 2024

The land and buildings of the former Bamford Quaker Community in the Peak District are up for sale.

The news was revealed at a Yearly Meeting Special Interest Group this month called ‘Quaker Community Bamford: endings and new beginnings’. Since the community closed its doors in 2023, the former trustees of the Quaker Community Bamford charity have been meeting regularly with the Way Forward Group of former community members, local residents and friends of the community. 

The trustees told Friends at the session on 6 July: ‘We are about to advertise the land and buildings for sale and hope to find a buyer whose values and purposes align with ours. The property has accommodation for around twenty-five people in various sizes of houses and flats, with eleven acres of land including woodland, organic gardens and orchards.’

The longstanding thirty-five-year-old Quaker community, which ran programmed retreats, announced its closure last July. The decision was made after trustees minuted in the previous month: ‘It is clear there are insufficient people willing to join the community and it cannot continue in its present form.’

The community began in 1988, initially as a Quaker housing co-operative. It was home to a diverse range of people of all ages, some of whom also ran small businesses from the site. The community became a CIO (charitable incorporated organisation) in 2018, seeking to promote Quaker testimonies and values, and support sustainable living.


Very sad! I suppose I am slightly to blame, as I often though of looking into joining the community but never got round to it.Procrastination is the thief of community.

By steve petter on 25th July 2024 - 21:41

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