Refugees and asylum seekers living in Wolverhampton joined Quakers from Clun Meeting Shropshire for a day. Photo: Courtesy of Linda Murray Hale.

Friends from Clun Valley Meeting invited refugees and asylum seekers to share a day with them

Asylum seekers’ day with Friends

Friends from Clun Valley Meeting invited refugees and asylum seekers to share a day with them

by Rebecca Hardy 17th August 2018

Friends from Clun Valley Meeting in Shropshire invited refugees and asylum seekers living in Wolverhampton to share a day with them recently ‘in and around Bishops Castle’. Fifty-five adults and children came along for the day, which was the third of these events arranged by the Meeting.

Linda Murray Hale, from Clun Valley Meeting, told the Friend: ‘After a buffet lunch with musical entertainment provided by local musicians, we all gathered in the nearby village of Newcastle-on-Clun, where Bob and Susie Cunning were our hosts for an afternoon of games, paddling and dipping in the river, and a picnic tea.’

George Reiss, from Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary, described the day as ‘the 23rd Psalm come to life’.


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