‘As our needs intensify, so may our relationship to God.’

Hear this: Now, more than ever, is the time to pay attention to the deeper part of each other, says Gretchen Castle

‘The suffering of the world remains, but through faith we are relieved of the heavy heartedness of our humanness. Spirit brings a new way of being in the world' | Photo: Mohammad Metri on Unsplash.

I was reminded recently by Kelly Kellum, the general secretary of Friends United Meeting in the US, that a mutual Friend of ours used to say: ‘Don’t ask me how I am doing unless you are prepared to listen to my answer’. This wise Friend reminded us to pay attention to the deeper part of each other, and to welcome its coming. My ‘How are you?’ is an invitation to open up. It says: ‘I am curious to know what might be troubling you, or what is bringing you joy. I want to know. Please tell me.’

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