'If we lose confidence in the reliability of public truth, what is the effect on our processes of discernment?' Photo: by Markus Winkler on Unsplash.

If Truth be told: Bob Lovett’s thought for the week

‘Are there universal truths and, if so, what is their basis?’

If Truth be told: Bob Lovett’s thought for the week

by Bob Lovett 30th October 2020

After twelve weeks of shielding, protecting myself and the NHS from the consequences of this pandemic, I welcomed the gradual easing of restrictions. But the messages from the government have become increasingly confusing and at times contradictory. I have been led to reflect on the extent to which my confidence in the reliability of what purported to be the truth has become eroded. Information has increasingly been manipulated, ridiculed or dismissed as fake, and subjected to political and media interference. Normally reliable scientific methods have been questioned, not only in respect of Covid-19 but in other areas of public concern.