Appeal for school governors
Up to one in four school governor positions is vacant in some schools in rural and deprived areas of England
Up to one in four school governor positions is vacant in some schools in rural and deprived areas of England. SGOSS – Governors for Schools, the educational charity, has revealed that one in ten of the 300,000 governor positions across the country is not filled.
At a recent Meeting for Sufferings held at Friends House in London a lively session was devoted to the concern felt by many Quakers about the state of education in Britain today. Friends were urged, at the Meeting, to become actively involved in education at a local level as governors of their local schools. It was, a Friend said, ‘a leadership role’.
A Populus survey, for SGOSS, of 1,781 people in Britain found that nearly two-thirds did not realise it was school governors’ responsibility to appoint a head teacher. Three-quarters did not know governors were responsible for deciding a school’s admission policy and eighty-five per cent of respondents were not aware that signing off a school budget was the governing body’s responsibility.