Anti-Trident posters. Photo: Anne van Staveren.
Anti-Trident rally draws crowds to Friends House
Anti-Trident rally attended by 200 people
Two hundred people gathered at Friends House on 19 February for an anti-Trident rally, in preparation for a national demonstration in London on 27 February.
BYM recording clerk Paul Parker welcomed the visitors, assuring them that Friends would be out in ‘force’ for Saturday’s demonstration. It is expected to be the largest in a generation.
Veteran peace campaigner Bruce Kent was among the speakers.
Student Ellie Kinney represented the youth perspective and called on the government to prioritise the real needs of people instead of wasting billions of pounds on a useless relic a war – the cold war – which had ended before she was born.
Lindsey German from Stop the War Coalition, journalist Richard Norton Taylor and writer and filmmaker Tariq Ali also spoke.
Anti-war artist Peter Kennard announced the winners of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament poster competition. A number of the entries were on display in the Large Meeting House during the rally.