‘It turns into a mystery to be solved, and then ultimately into something else entirely.’ Photo: Book cover of And This Shall Be My Dancing Day, by Jennifer Kavanagh

Author: Jennifer Kavanagh. Review by Diana Jeater

And This Shall Be My Dancing Day, by Jennifer Kavanagh

Author: Jennifer Kavanagh. Review by Diana Jeater

by Diana Jeater 18th August 2023

Jennifer Kavanagh’s publications on various aspects of Quaker spirituality will be well known to readers of the Friend. Her latest book is a novel, but it is nevertheless deeply imbued with Quaker sensibility – without ever explicitly mentioning Quakerism. It is an unusual, kind and uplifting book. It manages to be a gripping page-turner, while also bringing the reader to a deeper understanding of how we can find our voices to speak out about injustice.