A view of the Welsh countryside. Photo: Jules Montgomery.

'…and there was a dream' by Dafydd Jones

…ac ’roedd yno freuddwyd / …and there was a dream

'…and there was a dream' by Dafydd Jones

by Dafydd Jones 17th November 2017

…ac ’roedd yno freuddwyd

’Roedd yno freuddwyd, yn llechu
rhwng plygiadau tawelwch y cyrddau;
dyhead am gael adnabod Cyfeillion o
bedwar ban, dyhead am gael cyfrannu, fel Cyfeillion,
i fywyd ein darn tir. Am gael gwneud hynny
pe mynnem yn ein hiaith ein hunain. Am gael
adnabod ein gilydd mewn gwir adnabod.

Ac yna caed tynerwch awelon, diflannodd
yr anesmwythyd o blygiadau’r addoliad, cawsom
adnabod ein gilydd yn undod ein Cyfarfod, adnabod ein
gilydd fel Cyfeillion yng Nghymru.

…and there was a dream

…there was a dream, hiding
between the folds of the silence in the meetings;
a yearning to know *
Friends from
North, South, East and West, a yearning to contribute, as Friends,
to the life of this small patch of land. And to do
all this in our own language if we so wished. To know
one another in true

And then there came a soft, gentle breeze, the unease
disappeared from the folds
of our worship. We knew
one another in the unity of our Meeting, we knew one
another as Friends in

* The Welsh verb ‘adnabod’ has far greater depth and nuance than ‘to know’ – so much gets lost in translation (DJ).

Photo: Jules Montgomery.


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