‘Abraham didn’t know where he was going; he simply believed that God would lead.’

Politicians promise us ‘sunlit uplands’ post-Brexit. Keith Archer thinks we can learn from someone else who sought a promised land

'Who or what are we trusting?' | Photo: John Cameron / Unsplash.

‘Faith,’ say the opening words of the eleventh chapter of the New Testament’s Letter to the Hebrews, ‘is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.’ The writer then illustrates what he means by referring to the lives of some of the great heroes of the Jewish faith: Abel, Enoch, Noah – and above all Abraham. Abraham left the place where he was because he believed God was calling him to journey to a better place, and to become the father of the Jewish faith and nation. This made me think of Brexit. It’s getting quite hard these days not to think of it. It figures constantly in the press, on TV, on the radio, on social media. When I had my hair cut the other day, even my barber wanted to talk about it! Leave or Remain, in or out, do or die, deal or no deal – the arguments get sharper and sharper as 31 October draws nearer.

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