‘If we really were a haven, we would treat newcomers as honoured guests.’ Photo: by Clay Banks on Unsplash
A welcome change: Marilyn Upton wants recognition for refugees
‘There is enough to go round! We just need to believe it!’
It has just occurred to me why there are some who regard all those coming to our shores from other countries, wanting to work here for a while, or settle, as enemies. Forgive me for it’s dawning on me rather late – I couldn’t understand this ideology. I grew up in a town (Oxford) that welcomed those from other countries as contributors to our global knowledge. Those surrounding me as I grew up strove to protect those who had arrived with nothing.
I took part in the VE Day celebrations. After all, a member of my family was shot down over the Channel. His body was never found. He left a grieving fiancée. I recognise what an epic, superhuman effort it was to deter the madness of Hitler. But I also note that world war two followed on from world war one, which was a falling out between cousins.
It would seem to me that those who are so proud of being British are mixing up that feeling with the idea that everyone arriving here wants to take away what we have. Just as Hitler wanted to. A false leap in thinking is happening here.
Many who come to our shores are leaving desperate situations of war, poverty, famine, torture, destitution. They have no other wish than to flee those circumstances. They see the UK as a haven of peace and democracy.
If we really were that haven, we would treat these newcomers as honoured guests. We would work together with other nations to find ways of dealing with the huge influx of displaced people, and help them towards meaningful lives.
But to be that kind of haven, we need something like a minimum payment for all that need it, so that people don’t feel threatened by those coming here. Also good education for all, and more social cohesion.
So I suppose what I am calling for is global mindful recognition of what is actually happening in the world. We do all have an enemy at this time in Covid. Let us work together internationally to defeat this enemy, to help nations that can’t help themselves, to understand the causes of pandemics, wars, famines, and to work urgently towards a peaceful, healthy, sustainable world. There is enough to go round! We just need to believe it!
‘As the flowing of the ocean doth fill every creek and branch thereof, and then retires again towards its own being and fullness, and leaves a savour behind it; so doth the life and virtue of God flow into every one of your hearts, whom he hath made partakers of his divine nature; and when it withdraws but a little, it leaves a sweet savour behind it; that many can say they are made clean through the word that he hath spoken to them’ (William Leddra of Barbados, 1661, Quaker faith & practice 2.19).