‘For me, Quakerism isn’t so much about religion as about relationship with God.’ Photo: Book cover for A Simple Faith in a Complicated World: One Quaker’s journey through doubt to faith, by Kate McNally

Author: Kate McNally. Review by Harvey Gillman

A Simple Faith in a Complicated World: One Quaker’s journey through doubt to faith, by Kate McNally

Author: Kate McNally. Review by Harvey Gillman

by Harvey Gillman 13th January 2023

This book is an introduction to the Quaker way. Most of these are written by convinced Friends trying to make sense of this convincement. The usual dilemmas must be faced: the Quaker way is experiential, so each journey is personal and unique. The language used by Friends is tentative. The Quaker way is unique but shares characteristics with other ways. Friends have a wide variety of beliefs, so how do you talk of God or Christianity, or even of religion as a phenomenon? Can you even say all Quakers are this, that, or believe the other?