A reason to hope

Laura Shipler Chico writes about peacebuilding projects in Burundi

Attendees at the tester workshop. | Photo: Laura Shipler Chico.

As we approached the meeting place, the sky got menacingly dark. There, ahead, through the windows of the crammed public bus, I could just glimpse a white jeep, but couldn’t make out the emblem on the side to reassure us it was a vehicle from MIPAREC (Ministère Paix et Réconciliation sous la Croix), Burundi’s largest local Quaker peace organisation. Suddenly, our bus was being pelted with rain and then hail pounded down on us. We pulled alongside the jeep, water streaming down our windows as though we were under a waterfall. My Kenyan colleagues, Betty Atieno and Agona Benard, and I had travelled for hours overland from Rwanda to Burundi.

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