'No man can be despised / into goodwill.' Photo: Kadir Celep / Unsplash.

'A Quaker Woman Sends a Christmas Card to a President' by Dana Littlepage Smith

A Quaker Woman Sends a Christmas Card to a President

'A Quaker Woman Sends a Christmas Card to a President' by Dana Littlepage Smith

by Dana Littlepage Smith 6th December 2019

This woman burns a mouse-bitten pinch
of wax that passes for a candle, as she focuses
the diamond of her mind on Donald.

She breaths in her Welsh hills, savouring the milk-green
of reindeer lichen, the glisten on each jar of beets.
Then she breathes out peace.

The cherishing of these small things is her way
of combatting hate and greed. Daily in her kitchen,
she sings old Methodist hymns to a spider.

She watches as a sparrow feeds itself into a piece
of scaffolding, to test the darkness. Once, twice,
before it backs out to fly into the sun’s snow-feathers.

Last night in the deep mist, a raven was dying
in a ditch so she settled alongside it.
So it is and must be with any creature,

she thinks as she polishes her window panes
with apple cider vinegar. No man can be despised
into goodwill. So she stands, in the light, with Donald.


This is marvellous. Thank you DLS. I’ve been ‘praying’ too for “those I dislike, and with whom I’m at odds; those in authority”. Your poem gives substance to this powerless activity, makes it so much more than just ‘hoping for the best’ or wishful thinking. Can we send a copy of this week’s the Friend to the POTUS? Would that be impertinent? I guess so. H’m.

By Jonathan Wooding on 5th December 2019 - 13:41

Of course, now have our own “Donald”. How if we so disapprove of the “D” have now got the Boris?

By asruth on 30th December 2019 - 9:46

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