'I do believe, though, that there are some themes that are specifically Quaker.' Photo: Kelli Tungay / Unsplash.
‘A Quaker view of knowledge would focus on methods of inquiry, which are often subject-specific.’
Anne Watson on Quaker values in education
In the Quaker Values in Education (QVinE) group we grapple with the question of whether there is anything about educational values that is specifically Quaker. During the twentieth century our thinking on education was in line with other so-called ‘progressive’ ideals. While there were Friends among the leading thinkers, only the use of silent worship in schools could be labelled as specifically Quaker. More recently several campaigns have encouraged a focus on values, restorative justice, peer mentoring and the use of silence. Many Friends have been involved in the growth of these movements. They are not specifically Quaker, largely sharing a humanist perspective, but Friends can attach themselves to these developments with integrity. I do believe, though, that there are some themes that are specifically Quaker.