‘A more vegan lifestyle has the potential to be an exciting, joyful opening.’

Given the climate emergency, might a vegan way of living be a wise course for our species? Rajan Naidu considers

'It is consistent with a Quaker approach to treat non-human animal species with compassionate, respectful and peaceful intent.' | Photo: Brooke Lark / Unsplash.

Unprecedented, growing environmental crises now endanger our existence. Whatever approaches we take to deal with this need to be positive, open, reasonable, pragmatic and rooted in our core values of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and sustainability. Looked at this way, might a plant-based or vegan way of living be a wise course for our species to take? A vegan way of living in this context is not a goal in itself but rather an ethical and moral pathway along which we all are already journeying. Each person who walks this path will make a small but positive contribution to our sustainability.

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