Issue 27-01-2017

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly magazine in which Friends speak to each other and to the wider world, offering their insight, ideas, news, nurture and inspiration.

Nurturing Quaker community, each issue offers a space for Friends to share their concerns, and to support each other in faith and witness.

The Friend: enriching, inspiring and connecting the Quaker community since 1843.

Issue 27-01-2017


Thought for the Week: Truth and turmoil

by Linda Murgatroyd

Reflecting on the political upheavals of recent months in Britain and abroad, I have been wondering about the parallels with England at the time of the civil war in the seventeenth century. The deposing and beheading of Charles I was not envisaged at the outset of the war, but it became politically inevitable after his repeated refusal to negotiate. The real debates about policy only started after the Parliamentarians had gained some victories. Instability and intolerance continued for decades thereafter.


A quiet victim

by Paul Henderson

I met Bart only once, more than forty years ago. He and his wife Jo were Dutch. He was my mother-in-law’s cousin and my wife’s godfather. I remember him, at their small house in Hengelo, as a quiet, kind man. During the second world war he was a prisoner in Buchenwald for four years.

Like most concentration camp survivors, Bart never talked about his experiences. However, soon after I met him, he sat down at a typewriter and recorded the experiences of his imprisonment. It was a closely typed sixty-page memoir, all the more moving because of the care with which it is written. Bart died two years after he had finished the memoir.


Witness at Burghfield

by Sam Donaldson

‘Success is not one of the names of God’

- Martin Buber

On 13 December I was sitting on a train heading down from Hull to Reading to stand trial, alongside Hannah, Ellis, John and Gillian, for our nonviolent direct action against Trident at AWE Burghfield. We were pretty certain that, barring some kind of miracle, we would lose.


Images of Christ: Twelve encounters with Jesus

by Rowena Loverance

If you live within reach of London, you have less than a month to hotfoot it round to the British Museum, and, in their ‘South Africa: The art of a nation’ exhibition, see one of the most surprising religious images of the late twentieth century.


Images of Christ: Christ in the House of Martha and Mary

by Rowena Loverance

Before Christmas I was lucky enough to see, in Edinburgh, Johannes Vermeer’s Christ in the House of Martha and Mary in the Scottish National Gallery. It confirmed to me the idea of this series. My choices, in selecting twelve images of Christ, are bound to be personal, so where better to start than with Jesus’ encounter with two women – and two strong-minded women at that. The story of Martha and Mary, the sisters of Bethany, appears in Luke’s gospel (10:38-42) immediately after the parable of the Good Samaritan. Maybe this, too, is part of the answer to the question that was posed to Jesus: ‘Who is my neighbour?’ Is the more neighbourly act to sit and listen to this visiting preacher, who has unexpectedly dropped by, or to set about putting a meal on the table?


From the archive: 1917

by Janet Scott

It was the year of the Russian Revolution; the year the United States entered the war; the year of the advance into Palestine with the surrender of Jerusalem to the Allied forces, and the declaration by the British government of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations; the year of the Irish Convention; and the year the House of Commons adopted a large measure of woman’s suffrage.


QARN statement on forced migrants

by The Friend Newsdesk The Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network (QARN) have made a written submission concerning…

Quakers building a living wage community

by The Friend Newsdesk South East Scotland Area Meeting is now an accredited Living Wage employer.

Grants announced by JRCT

by The Friend Newsdesk A wide range of groups working to create a better society has been supported in the latest…

Doing something

by Andrew Backhouse Dear Friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere… if you learn all the right words but…

To reach out widely

by Gill Sewell Working on outreach is exciting and fills me with optimism for potential growth in Quaker…

Letters - 27 January 2017

by The Friend Experience and belief We had several ministries today but two stood out: a Friend…

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