Issue 10-03-2017

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly magazine in which Friends speak to each other and to the wider world, offering their insight, ideas, news, nurture and inspiration.

Nurturing Quaker community, each issue offers a space for Friends to share their concerns, and to support each other in faith and witness.

The Friend: enriching, inspiring and connecting the Quaker community since 1843.

Issue 10-03-2017


Thought for the Week: Oversight and eldership

by Alison Leonard

I was looking around for something to counter my drift towards despair about the present political landscape when a friend, who works at the Bradford School of Peace Studies, sent me a copy of a lecture given last year on the theme of caring. In it James Thompson argued for caring to stand at the centre of any argument for social justice.


Quakers and youth hostels

by Duncan Simpson

The practical nature of youth hostel work and the simplicity of youth hostels both reflect values and concerns associated with Friends and were part of the reason so many were attracted to the movement in its early days.

Those involved hoped that by bringing together people from different communities and backgrounds, youth hostels would contribute to world peace. The lack of a creed or a single leader for youth hostels and their robust democracy, taking account of all views, shows the influence of Quakers like TA Leonard, ‘Jack’ Catchpool, John Cadbury and many others who took part in creating youth hostels from 1929 onwards.



by Anne M Jones

At the end of 2015 I went to Calais to offer support to the estimated 6,000-8,000 refugees who were camped out on sand dunes. I subsequently returned several times, teaching English to the young people there, such was the overwhelming need for help.


Leaveners’ final act

by Harry Albright

After forty years, the final curtain has come down on the Leaveners, the Quaker performing arts charity. An extraordinary general meeting held on 4 March in Birmingham, attended by twenty-three people, made the decision after hearing that the organisation was no longer financially viable.


Thoughts on adoption

by A Friend

I read ‘Dave’s Story’ (10 February), of a Friend’s experience of adopting children, with great interest, as much of it echoed my own experience with my adopted son: the sense of loss, the visits to the cranial osteopath, the infectious laugh, the rages, the pit of misery, the poor GCSE results, the moving from job to unsatisfactory job and the slide into cannabis. And worse? I don’t know.


Peacemaking in a troubled world

by Linda Murgatroyd

At this time, when tensions within and between many countries and communities in the Western world have been rising, we need to remain grounded in that ‘Spirit which… delights to do no evil’, to quote James Nayler, and should not allow ourselves to become contaminated by hatred and fear.


Quaker MEP welcomes new directive

by Harry Albright Green Quaker MEP Molly Scott-Cato has welcomed a new EU directive that addresses the…

Disabled Friend takes legal action

by Harry Albright Esther Leighton, a disabled Friend living in Cambridge, has taken legal action against…

QUNO briefing paper on refugees and migrants

by Harry Albright The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) has launched a new briefing paper for Friends:…

We love conflict!

by Marian Liebmann, Zélie Gross and Roger Cullen Ajoint initiative between Quaker Life, the recording clerk’s office, the Woodbrooke…

Knowing what to do

by Stephen Allen In my view, one of the greatest strengths of our Quaker way is how our processes, in…

Eye - 10 March 2017

by Eye Vast Ocean of Light Vast Ocean of light, whose rayes surround The Universe, who know’st…

Letters - 10 March 2017

by The Friend The Leaveners I agree with Penelope Putz (3 March) that the end of the Leaveners is…

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