Issue 21-04-2017

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly magazine in which Friends speak to each other and to the wider world, offering their insight, ideas, news, nurture and inspiration.

Nurturing Quaker community, each issue offers a space for Friends to share their concerns, and to support each other in faith and witness.

The Friend: enriching, inspiring and connecting the Quaker community since 1843.

Issue 21-04-2017


Thought for the Week: Staying on

by Peggy Heeks

Friends have increasingly been addressing, at local and national level, a topical issue of our time – staying on. How do we deal with the end of life and how do we die with dignity? These questions have also prompted thoughtful and occasionally provocative correspondence in the Friend.


Let’s talk about evil

by Mark Russ

In general I find Quakers reluctant to talk about evil. Can we use the words ‘evil’ and ‘sin’ in a way that is helpful and life affirming? The writers of Twelve Quakers and Evil show a strong desire to understand evil and see the good in the perpetrator, but I also detect an unwillingness to condemn evil, and a reluctance to see God as one who judges and rejects evil.


Forced migration

by Catherine Henderson

There were signs of spring in the gardens at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre with the conference on ‘Forced migration: how can Quakers respond?’ took place over the first weekend of February. Inside, the image of a bare wintry tree gradually became clothed with leaves, as Friends recorded their work and engagement with those seeking sanctuary, their hopes and reflections. Images of growth and renewal kept surfacing over the weekend, a counter to the bleak political landscape we find ourselves in at the beginning of 2017.


Images of Christ: The Road to Emmaus

by Rowena Loverance

The post-Resurrection appearances of Jesus are for me the most beautiful, but also the most problematical, parts of the Gospels. They have inspired some of the greatest works by some of our most highly revered artists – just think of Titian’s ‘Noli me tangere’ and Caravaggio’s ‘Supper at Emmaus’ in London’s National Gallery alone. Yet biblical scholarship informs us that Mark’s Gospel, the earliest of the four, made do without any such appearances – so they were apparently not essential to the faith of the earliest Christians. In the interests of historical accuracy, should we, similarly, try to manage without them?


Taking sides

by Peter Boyce

I have been reading the journal of the American Quaker Elias Hicks (1748-1830). For the most part, this journal is about the visits he made to Quarterly and Yearly Meetings at a distance from his own Meeting on Long Island. Many of these movements took place at the time of the civil war between the British colonies of North America and the ‘mother country’.


Mental distress

by Anne Adams

I became interested in mental health when I was quite young, as I seemed to be peculiar in some way I could not explain. This led me to train as a psychiatric nurse, and later to have a great deal of psychotherapy and analysis. So much more about the brain has been learnt since then that it is difficult to know how much is due to the structure and physiology of the brain and how much to environmental factors.


A People of Peace

by The Friend Newsdesk A moving production on the tragedy of war was given its first performance at Bury St…

Students sing out for homeless charity

by The Friend Newsdesk A musical collaboration by students of Friends Schools on both sides of the Irish Sea…

Oxford initiative on Europe

by The Friend Newsdesk Some OXFORD Friends with European connections who campaigned for the UK to stay in the EU…

Faith in practice

by David Olver Over the last decade or so, David Rubinstein has written a number of booklets on Quaker…

Ouch – don’t block me!

by George Macpherson The temptation to block erstwhile Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or WeChat ‘friends’ is…

Thomas and the lost coin

by Bill Bingham Thomas was the doubter, who felt the wounded hand, And not for single moment was Thomas…

Eye - 21 April 2017

by Eye A fellow traveller? ‘Pity that Quakerism didn’t start a bit earlier as we might have…

Letters - 21 April 2017

by The Friend Farm animals Several points about current farming practices were made in a recent letter…

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