Issue 15-09-2017

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly magazine in which Friends speak to each other and to the wider world, offering their insight, ideas, news, nurture and inspiration.

Nurturing Quaker community, each issue offers a space for Friends to share their concerns, and to support each other in faith and witness.

The Friend: enriching, inspiring and connecting the Quaker community since 1843.

Issue 15-09-2017


Thought for the Week: Making the crossing

by Peggy Heeks

The concept of life as a journey is a familiar one. Applicants for membership of our Society often speak of this move as being ‘part of their journey’, and a whole chapter of Quaker faith & practice is given to accounts of journeys.


Quakers without borders

by Daniel Flynn

The sixtieth anniversary of Border Meeting in continental Europe was celebrated by sixty-three Friends and Young Friends from Great Britain, Ireland, the Republic of Georgia, Russia, and from elsewhere in Europe at Maison Notre–Dame du Chant d’Oiseau in Brussels earlier this month.

Friends moved from the theme of ‘Border Meeting: Living with the Other – an exploration of differences and similarities’, through ‘Neighbours Meeting’ and ‘Welcome Home! Is this the first time you have been home?’ From Border Meeting to Quakers without Borders!


The Judas Passion

by Ian Kirk-Smith

The Passion story is told for the first time from the perspective of Judas Iscariot in a new work for the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment: The Judas Passion.

Sally Beamish, who is a member of Glasgow Meeting, has composed the music and she explains that her Quaker background played an important part in her thinking when she approached the commission.


Quakers seized at arms fair

by The Friend Newsdesk

At least eight Quakers were seized by police while engaging in a peaceful witness against the world’s biggest arms fair in London on Tuesday 5 September.


Friends march for animal rights

by The Friend Newsdesk

Members and supporters of Quaker Concern for Animals (QCA) joined thousands of vegans as part of a global campaign for animal rights on Saturday 2 September.


Art in the frame at the arms fair

by The Friend Newsdesk

A feature of the protest at the Defence and Security Equipment International (DESI) arms fair this year was the prominence given to art and creative expression.


New report on child immigration detention

by The Friend Newsdesk The plight of immigrant children detained in Europe is the subject of a new report…

JRF highlights the costs of poverty

by The Friend Newsdesk The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has issued a new report, Counting the cost of UK…

Woodbrooke success prompts change

by The Friend Newsdesk The Centre for Postgraduate Quaker Studies (CPQS) at Woodbrooke in Birmingham has been…

Quaker Week

by Alistair Fuller At the heart of our Quaker experience, inspiring and shaping everything that we do, is…

An alternative manifesto

by Ken Veitch Theresa May described the 2017 general election, a few weeks before it was held, as ‘the…

Business and fun

by Simon Risley Every year London West Area Meeting holds an ‘Awayday’ – or what we call an Area…

A long way down

by Elizabeth Flanagan The title poem of Averil Stedeford’s The Long Way Down: Poems of Grief and Hope sets the…

George Jacob Holyoake

by Amanda Woolley In 1842 George Jacob Holyoake became the last person in this country to be convicted of…

Eye - 15 September 2017

by Eye Venturing to Foggy Bottom Twelve Friends from Ipswich recently explored Bressingham steam…

Letters - 15 September 2017

by The Friend Quaker Week As Quaker Week approaches the call goes out again for the need to attract new…

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