Issue 23-06-2017

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly magazine in which Friends speak to each other and to the wider world, offering their insight, ideas, news, nurture and inspiration.

Nurturing Quaker community, each issue offers a space for Friends to share their concerns, and to support each other in faith and witness.

The Friend: enriching, inspiring and connecting the Quaker community since 1843.

Issue 23-06-2017


Thought for the Week: Change and continuity

by Ian Kirk-Smith

After one hundred and seventy-four years of being published in black and white the Friend is starting a new chapter. It will now be produced weekly in colour. We hope the transition will not be too radical for readers. Your loyalty is the bedrock on which the magazine was built, sustained, and on which it continues to exist.


In original Light

by Judith Favor

As we went I spied a great high hill called Pendle Hill… and when I came atop of it I saw Lancashire sea… and the Lord let me see atop of the hill in what places he had a great people to be gathered.

- George Fox 1652

The job of a Quaker pilgrimage is to re-connect us with eternal truths, lucidly lived.

I was a great-grandmother by the time I found my way to the hall where Quaker faith and practice began. In May 2017, walking through Swarthmoor Hall’s stone entryway, I felt rooted and grounded in Love. I never would have made it there, though, without Connie McPeak Green’s caring guidance and sturdy companionship.


Who is my neighbour?

by Pleasaunce Perry and Robert Foulkes

Ireland Yearly Meeting (IYM) this year challenged Friends to consider the question: ‘Who is my neighbour?’

The quotation from Quaker Life and Practice, which underpinned the theme further, probed participants:

‘How can we, such a small insignificant group of people as the Society of Friends help to stem the tide of evil and hate, and greed and fear that is so wide-spread in the world today?’

C Winifred Lamb, c.1954
Quaker Life and Practice, 4.13


Brno gathering

by Cathy Butler

In the dozen or so years that I have been attending the Central European Gathering (CEG), we have seen much growth in the individual Meetings and worship groups that come together for this event, and for the last few years a movement evolving towards becoming the ‘Central European Regional Meeting’. This follows bridge-building started by Friends in Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary, gathering isolated Quakers and groups in central Europe.


What does love require of us?

by Pat Yates

David Brown’s new booklet What does love require of us? Quaker promptings towards love in action, another in the excellent series produced by the Kindlers, is a gem.


Images of Christ: Christ amid the cabbages

by Rowena Loverance

On 8 August 1932 a group of fifty Protestant fundamentalists descended on a small Cornish church – St Hilary’s, near Penzance – and proceeded to lock up the vicar and trash the church interior. It is a reminder of how recently Christian art was a subject of passionate feelings in Britain, for what had roused their ire were artworks newly commissioned for the church by the vicar, Bernard Walke, and his wife Annie, herself a notable artist among the Newlyn group of painters, a forerunner of the more famous St Ives group on the other side of Cornwall. Happily, the Walkes had anticipated the attack and replaced most of the works with copies.


New York talks on a nuclear-free world

by The Friend Newsdesk There is a Quaker presence at the historic talks being held at the United Nations in New…

International Quaker presence at Yearly Meeting Gathering

by The Friend Newsdesk Cecile Nyiramana from Rwanda, who was prevented from coming to co-deliver the Swarthmore…

Peace Museum launches schools programme

by The Friend Newsdesk The Peace Museum in Bradford has announced that from September it will launch a new…

Spotlight on ‘internal refugees’

by The Friend Newsdesk Christian Aid is urging world leaders to provide more support for the 40.3 million people…

Trident and the threat of cyber-attack

by The Friend Newsdesk Quaker Paul Ingram, executive director of the British American Security Information…

Quaker clock donated to school

by The Friend Newsdesk A traditional Quaker clock manufactured in Sibford Ferris in the 1870s has been donated to…

Reflections on the ‘Red Book’: Sources of the Light

by Derrick Whitehouse Be aware of the spirit of God at work in the ordinary activities and experience of your…

from ‘Written on Light’

by Philip Gross Such a delicate cusp this evening: the sky, the sea…

Eye - 23 June 2017

by Eye Bartram’s botany An eighteenth century Friends’ botanical adventures have been…

Letters - 23 June 2017

by The Friend People power While Sylvia Boyes’ letter (9 June) about the Imperial War Museum’s…

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