Issue 13-01-2017

The Friend

The Friend is a weekly magazine in which Friends speak to each other and to the wider world, offering their insight, ideas, news, nurture and inspiration.

Nurturing Quaker community, each issue offers a space for Friends to share their concerns, and to support each other in faith and witness.

The Friend: enriching, inspiring and connecting the Quaker community since 1843.

Issue 13-01-2017


Thought for the Week: Hopes for a brighter year

by Ken Veitch

It is 16 December 2016, the time when we sing and pray about peace on earth and goodwill to all people. Bashar al-Assad’s forces have gained ‘victory’ in what is left of Aleppo and its people. A riot is taking place at Birmingham Prison. The government is selling billons of pounds worth of weapons to human rights abusers such as Saudi Arabia, which, using British bombs and military personnel, is attacking civilian targets in Yemen.


Being human and priest

by Mark Bredin

The image of a divine seed within every human being is a central one for Quakers. Seeds need nourishment in order to grow. Lack of nourishment leads the seedling to wither. The divine seed needs nourishing through seeking the best for others, especially the vulnerable. Quakers believe that the divine seed within us is calling us to be as God intended: to be human and priest.


The welfare state

by Dick Stockford

We have the best welfare state in the world; or perhaps we did, but surely if that were so, what follows can’t be us?

Education performance has dropped to twenty-third out of the twenty-six most developed countries, our health service is failing to meet the most basic targets of patient safety and care, our social security system has become an unwanted way of life for too many, housebuilding in the public sector falls in each successive year and homelessness rises, thirty per cent of children are overweight or obese, we have or had the highest level of births to girls under sixteen in Western Europe, sexual abuse and the neglect of children seem to be at record levels, our prisons are bursting with record levels of violence and drug taking and we are, not surprisingly, stressed and turning to overstretched GPs and even legal highs for relief.


Religion and the media

by Eleanor Fairclough and Sila Collins-Walden

Inverness interfaith group was set up to promote dialogue, understanding and cooperation between different faiths and to develop bonds and trust. The group meets regularly. We organise religious, social and educational events, annual picnics, faith sharing, music, dance and poetry, and are involved in social action initiatives, such as helping and supporting refugees. Meetings usually take place in Friend’s homes and often with meal sharing.


Contemplative love

by Bob Morley

Over the centuries and, indeed, millennia of our recent history, I believe mankind has inherited an intuitive awareness of ‘that of God’ (or Spirit, or Source) as our origin and destiny, and to which we belong. This has led to the development of religions, many of which portray certain charismatic humans, through faith, as representatives of, or even to be, God.


Vision is just the start

by John Myhill

God visits Abraham. He has come to tell Abraham that Sodom is to be destroyed and to arrange for the rescue of Abraham’s relatives, who are living there. Abraham argues with God and, as the cost of not destroying Sodom, bargains him down from fifty to five good people.


Francis speaks out on nonviolence

by The Friend Newsdesk Pope Francis, in a statement released on 1 January for the Catholic Church’s fiftieth…

Quaker photographer given national recognition

by The Friend Newsdesk The distinctive photography of Quaker and lecturer John Arnison has been recognised by the…

Change at Church and Peace

by The Friend Newsdesk Davorka Lovreković, of German Yearly Meeting, finished her four-year appointment as…

National Day of Healing planned

by The Friend Newsdesk The Friends Fellowship of Healing is planning a National Quaker Day of Healing.

Daily worship

by The Friend Newsdesk Holding a thirty minute Meeting for Worship in the Quaker Centre at Friends House from…

Alexander von Humboldt

by Patricia Gosling Friends who are concerned about environmental issues, and the impact we humans are having…


by Voirrey Faragher Aleppo will never mean beauty again. Never mean rivers and mosques, hanging gardens,…

Eye - 13 January 2017

by Eye A Meeting’s makeover Nestled in the Lancashire countryside, Garstang Meeting House has…

Letters - 13 January 2017

by The Friend Syria Simon Fisher’s article (23 & 30 December 2016) enables us better to discern…

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