Letters - 15 June 2012

From Skyspace to ecumenical challenges


I am sad that we won’t be going ahead with the James Turrell Skyspace in the Large Meeting House.

However, on reflection, I saw in my mind’s eye a dandelion puffball. It’s a beautiful elegant sphere and then the wind blows on it. It’s destroyed – but the seeds go everywhere and start off hundreds of those persistent, tenacious, deep-rooted and blazing dandelion flowers.

Can the death of this beautiful and imaginative project seed the ideas for 480 inspiring and uplifting Meeting houses and Meeting rooms all over Britain Yearly Meeting? Why should all the elegance and uplift be in Euston Road? Our up-springing Quaker life is not focused there.

Can we all, with new eyes, look at each of our Meeting houses and our rented rooms, and bring out each one’s inherent beauty? Can we imagine and create space for new light, wherever each Meeting gathers? Can we make each Meeting place a building to lift the spirit of visitors, newcomers and all of us?

We’ll need to be as tenacious and deep-rooted and persistent as dandelions – but we could blaze cheerfully!

Beth Allen

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