Letters - 13 July 2012

From Skyspace to population


When I heard of the trustees’ decision to reject the Skyspace, I felt like a door had been slammed in my face, that they were refusing to engage with an inspired work of art. I am still struggling to come to terms with their decision and, especially, the manner in which they made it.

I have been studying the trustees’ Terms of Reference and the updated Quaker faith & practice. I read that the trustees are ‘accountable to Yearly Meeting’, and ‘responsible to the Yearly Meeting for the right stewardship of its work, assets and property’ (Qf&p 8.03).

Can it be made any clearer that the trustees are responsible to us, to the whole of Yearly Meeting?

I later learned that trustees were divided for months about Skyspace. And yet they still did not choose to bring it to Yearly Meeting in May.

I suppose that I should have more faith in our trustees, to trust that in the silence they were truly led. But, Friends, it is hard!

Sarah Early

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