Letters - 07 March 2014

From Lent to answering that of God


I admire Sally Sadler for giving up alcohol for Lent (21 February). I am cutting out car travel completely – and not lift-sharing either. See the Carbon Fast: www.thecarbonfast.org

Luckily, I am retired, old enough to have a bus pass, young enough to cycle to Meeting and serious about our Canterbury commitment.

Laura Conyngham

Friends might be inspired, as I am, to look over the individual Lent programme offered to us through Christian Aid. It is aptly entitled ‘Count Your Blessings!’ and takes a follower on a journey to many parts of the world where communities are achieving major advances in lifestyle, and creating opportunities, against all the odds.

We, who are indeed blessed, can take some minutes on each day in Lent to reflect on their struggles and successes, especially in relation to one’s own circumstances.

Taking just one example at random: ‘Women make up seventy per cent of the world’s poor. If we crack gender inequality, we get to the roots of poverty. Reflect on how gender affects your everyday life. Give 70p for every gender-based remark you hear today.’ Over the weeks there is a rich mixture of praise, prayer and practical giving. Equally, I recommend the children’s leaflet that can be seen at http://bit.ly/LentLeaflet.

Thank you to Sally Sadler who wrote about her experience of keeping Lent. I’m sure it matters not what religious stance we take if we apply a little discipline to our own lives! My friends who observe Ramadan experience a kind of spiritual cleansing. God knows we always need that.

Carol Penn

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